Year: 2022
The African grey parrot is known for his intelligence and ability to imitate human speech. The birds breed once or twice a year — although not at specific times of year — and mate frequently for several weeks before the hen lays her first egg. Typical male mating behavior includes feeding the female and performing …
During the finale of the musical “Cats,” the ensemble sings: “So first, your memory I’ll jog and say: A cat is not a dog.” And parrots aren’t dogs either. While humans have bred dogs for thousands of years, creating numerous breeds, a Congo African grey parrot is a species of bird. Parrot breeding is in …
Shell parakeets — more commonly known as budgerigars or budgies — are social and intelligent birds who need plenty of stimulation. Although they can be kept alone, if you work all day or you’re frequently out of the house, keeping a pair is preferable. You need to introduce them carefully so they don’t fight or …
Shipping Parrots and Exotic Birds Overseas
Shipping Parrots and Exotic Birds Overseas Shipping Parrots and Exotic Birds Overseas can be a daunting experience. Parrots importation needs some requirements which are one of the toughest in the world! Shipping Parrots Worldwide. When considering how hard it is to move an Exotic Bird overseas to UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia …
How Long Do Parrots and Other Birds Live?
Parrots and other birds can live up to 10 to 50 years or more depending on the type and the conditions they live in. Parrots comprise a group of birds that includes 279 different species. They vary in size from small birds that can fit in the palm of your hand to large birds the …
How to find a lost or escaped parrot
Naturally it is really important to try to ensure your parrot cannot slip out of a window or door in the first place, but also, even the most conscientious of parrot owners cannot mitigate against every possible eventuality or risk. If your parrot is lost or has flown out of your house, finding them quickly …
How to catch an escaped parrot
If your parrot has escaped the home, this is one of the most frightening scenarios any bird owner can face. A brightly colored domestic bird is at risk from many types of predators, is not well suited to the weather conditions we sometimes face here, and will have few innate survival skills. trained parrots for …
Why Do Birds Pluck Their Feathers?
Why Do Birds Pluck Their Feathers? In captivity, a plucking bird can be a sign of veterinary or environmental problems. It is also known as feather-picking. You might note your parrot chewing its feathers or going as far as damaging its own skin. Parrots can also pick at the feathers of their other bird companions. …
Pet Birds And Sickness
IN THIS ARTICLE Signs of Sickness Bird Droppings Ruffled Feathers and Weight Loss Eye Issues Reduced Appetite Open-Mouthed Breathing Dirty Feathers Tail Bobbing Changes in Vocalization Treatment and Prevention Pet Birds And Sickness. Many new bird owners may not know the symptoms of bird sickness, and birds are often good at hiding them. There are …
What to Feed Your Bird
What to Feed Your Bird; Seeds vs. Pellets What to Feed Your Bird. Ultimately you and your veterinarian should determine your bird’s individual dietary needs. For many birds, the diet will involve an assortment of foods that potentially includes both seeds and pellets. In addition to seeds and pellets, leafy greens, many other vegetables, some …