Category: cockatoo Parrots
How Much Does A Cockatoo Cost?
 8 Cockatoo Prices Examined Cockatoos are a group of parrot species that are large in size, very smart but also very noisy. Their intelligence, vitality, and beauty make them popular in the pet trade, however, because they are so noisy they are often abandoned as pet birds and so can be readily adopted from most …
Pet Birds And Sickness
IN THIS ARTICLE Signs of Sickness Bird Droppings Ruffled Feathers and Weight Loss Eye Issues Reduced Appetite Open-Mouthed Breathing Dirty Feathers Tail Bobbing Changes in Vocalization Treatment and Prevention Pet Birds And Sickness. Many new bird owners may not know the symptoms of bird sickness, and birds are often good at hiding them. There are …
cockatoo Parrots
cockatoo, (family Cacatuidae), any of the 21 species of crested parrots (order Psittaciformes) found in Australia as well as in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Most are white with touches of red or yellow; some are black. All have a massive scimitar-like beak for cracking nuts, digging up roots, or prying grubs from wood; feeding is aided by a strong tongue. Cockatoos are treetop, hole-nesting …