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Exotic Parrots For Sale


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Timneh African Grey Parrot

Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.

  • Status : Available

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  • ​Specie : Timneh African Grey Parrot 

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  • ​Age     : 11 months

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  • ​Sex      : Male

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  • ​Vaccinated : Yes

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  • Tamed : Yes

  •    Talk  :  Yes

Handsome Male Timneh African Grey Parrot for sale (DNA tested Male), microchiped, has had a full bloodwork done at a veterinarian to ensure the parrot was healthy. I have bill of sale and all the paperwork for the parrot. The parrot was purchased at a pet store that gets their parrots from a certified breeder. This Timneh African Grey Parrot Comes with two travel cages, a large sleep cage, a large tree perch, a Rabbit Air purifier, various food and toys. If you have any questions please let me know. new very quick perfect feathers and healthy comes with cage fully loaded with toys perches bowls with left over food as well might consider to deliver if cost covered thanks


What is the difference between African grey and Timneh?

Two subspecies of African grey parrot are currently recognized: Psittacus erithacus erithacus, sometimes known as the red-tailed African grey parrot or the Congo African grey parrot, and Psittacus erithacus timneh, also known as the Timneh African grey parrot.

Both are from Africa, with Timneh found in a smaller area, including Liberia and the Ivory Coast region.

The Congo African grey is slightly larger than the Timneh, and has bright red tail feathers. The Timneh’s tail feathers are darker and overall the Timneh usually has slightly darker coloration than the Congo, especially over the back (although not always the case).

While the Congo’s beak is grey, the Timneh’s upper mandible is bone coloured with a dark edge, while the lower mandible is grey.

The Timneh African Grey (Psittacus erithacus timneh) is the smaller of the two sub species of African grey parrots. Popularity for the tinier cousin of the Congo has grown over the past few years. The Timneh African grey originate from a smaller area in Africa that includes Liberia and the Ivory Coast region.

Are Timneh parrots good pets?

However don’t ignore the Timneh, they are fantastic birds, speak well and make excellent pets.

How long do Timneh African Greys live?

40-50 years
Once able to fly, the young will still live with the family and not be truly independent until they reach about 3 years of age. They live 40-50 years, living longer in captivity. African greys are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world, rivaling even apes.


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