How Baby Parrots Adapt Their Behaviors
How Baby Birds Adapt Their Behaviors. From the moment they are born, baby birds have to adapt to their surroundings to survive and thrive. Birds adapt both behaviorally and structurally to overcome predators and environmental factors. Behavioral adaptation occurs quite fast in the growth process, and it equips birds with the desired life skills. Though …
How to Transport Pet Birds
How to Transport Pet Birds How to Transport Pet Birds. Whether you need to take your pet birds to the vet, home or just a day out somewhere, you have to make sure that pet transport is safe and comfortable. When you buy birds, you have to be fully equipped with transportation means so that you can be …
How to Get Your Amazon Parrots to Breed
Amazon parrots for sale are beautiful and friendly companions – however, breeding them is another matter entirely and can be quite difficult as they are often slow to do so. If you want your pet Amazon parrots to breed with one another you will need: at least two of them (obviously!) and a lot of …
How to Clean a Birds Aviary
How to Clean a Birds Aviary Bird aviaries are a great way to keep birds safe and healthy. However, by using a birds aviary, the two natural things that usually keep their environment clean – rain and sunshine – are kept out. This means it is up to the owner to clean the bird aviary or bird cages …
How to Cure a Cockatoo Parrots With Cold
How to Cure a Cockatoo Parrots With Cold Cockatiels, just like humans, can develop colds. They will not be able to tell you they are ill but there are behaviors you can watch out for – such as a loss of appetite, watery eyes and sneezing. Sometimes ill cockatiels refuse to feed themselves – in …
Top 10 Facts About Talking Macaw Parrots
You may have seen macaw parrots for sale on Bird Trader and wondered whether they would be suited to you as a pet. Well before you go ahead and buy macaw parrots, read our top ten facts about this beautiful, colourful bird, to make sure! Macaws are native to the jungles of Central and South …
How to Tame Your Parrots or birds
How to Tame Your Parrots or birds How to Tame Your Parrots or birds. Exotic Birds and African Grey are a type of parrot that is native to Africans. It is a highly intelligent bird and is considered the second largest parrot. There are several different types of Exotic Birds and Parrots that are …
cockatoo Parrots
cockatoo, (family Cacatuidae), any of the 21 species of crested parrots (order Psittaciformes) found in Australia as well as in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Most are white with touches of red or yellow; some are black. All have a massive scimitar-like beak for cracking nuts, digging up roots, or prying grubs from wood; feeding is aided by a strong tongue. Cockatoos are treetop, hole-nesting …
How To Care For Baby Birds
How To Care For Baby Birds When finding a young and helpless bird, most people are uncertain about what to do. In this article, we want to give you a guide on how to care for a baby bird. You will also learn when the best decision is to do nothing but wait for the …
Can You Own A Pet Falcon?
Can you own a falcon as a pet? Most likely not. Falcons are wild birds of prey that are protected by law and can’t be kept as pets by normal people. You would need a special permit that allows you to do so. However, in this article, I’m telling you, why falcons might not be …